The MALT API reference

The Lightcurve class

class malt.Lightcurve(filepath, interpolate=False, interp_func=<function get_gp>, ini_t='rand', obs_time=0.3333333333333333, sample_size=100, obj_type=None)
extract_features(feat_ex_method=<function get_wavelet_feature>)

Extracts features from the given lightcurve with assigned feature extraction method.

self: Lightcurve object
An instance of the Lightcurve class.
feat_ex_method: python function
Function to use for the feature extraction.
interpolate(interp_func=<function get_gp>, ini_t='rand', obs_time=0.3333333333333333, sample_size=100, aug_num=1)

Interpolates the given lightcurve with assigned interpolation function

self: Lightcurve object
An instance of the Lightcurve class.
interp_func: python function
A python function that takes in a lightcurve and interpolates it.
ini_t: str or float
Initial time to start sampling.
obs_time: float
The total length of the interpolated lightcurve.
sample_size: int
Number of data points in interpolated lightcurve.
aug_num: int
Number of lightcurves to augment to.

Loads file to extract time, flux, flux_err ra_dec and class

filename: path to dataset

The Dataset class

class malt.Dataset(configFile='', feat_ex_method=<function get_wavelet_feature>, interpolate=True, interp_func=<function get_gp>, ini_t='rand', obs_time=0.3333333333333333, sample_size=100, aug_num=1, ml_method=<class 'malt.machine_learning.RFclassifier'>, hyperparams={'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy'], 'n_estimators': array([70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89])}, n_jobs=-1, pca=True, n_components=20)
Adds new lightcurve to the Dataset then retrains Dataset.
self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.
lightcurve: Lightcurve object
Lightcurve object to add to dataset.

Extracts features from all the lightcurves in the given dataset with assigned feature extraction method.

self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.

Performs PCA decomposition of a feature array X.

self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.

Interpolates all the lightcurves in the given dataset with assigned interpolation function.

self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.
classmethod load_from_save(filename)
Returns a saved Dataset instance using pickle
self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.
filename: str
filename under which the Dataset instance was saved.

Initialises an instance of the Dataset class.

self: Database object
An instance of the Database class.
filepaths: list
List containing the paths to the data files.
predict(lightcurve, show_prob=False)
Predicts the type of given lightcurve object using classifier trained on Dataset.
self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.
lightcurve: Lightcurve object
Lightcurve object for which to predict
show_prob: boolean.
If True will print full output from predict_proba()

Projects self.features onto calculated PCA axis from self.pca

self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.

Runs the Diagnostic test which trains n classifiers on different subsets of the Dataset to test how well it can classify objects.

self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.
Saves a Dataset instance using a pickle dump
self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.
filename: str
filename under which to store the Dataset instance
Trains a ML algorithm on the Dataset with the parameters specified on initialisation.
self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.

verbose: How much information to print out.


Prints out the counts of each object type stored in the dataset.

self: Dataset object
An instance of the Dataset class containing instances of the Lightcurve class.
show_aug_num: boolean
Use augmented lightcurve when counting type numbers.

MALT interpolator

malt.interpolator.get_gp(lightcurve, t0, obs_time, sample_size, aug_num)

Returns a Gaussian Process (george) object marginalised on the data in file.

lightcurve: Lightcurve object
An instance of the Lightcurve class.
t0: float
Initial time to start sampling.
obs_time: float
The total length of the interpolated lightcurve.
sample_size: int
Number of data points in interpolated lightcurve.

MALT feature extraction


Returns wavelet coefficients for a given lightcurve object.

lightcurve: Lightcurve object
An instance of the Lightcurve class

MALT machine learning

class malt.machine_learning.RFclassifier(n_estimators='warn', criterion='gini')